1979年、三重県生まれ。東京大学大学院工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻博士課程修了。在学中に3機の超小型衛星の開発に携わり卒業後、同専攻での特任研究員を経て2008年にアクセルスペースを設立、代表取締役に就任。同社は”Space within Your Reach〜宇宙を普通の場所に〜”をビジョンに掲げ小型衛星を活用した地球観測プラットフォーム”AxelGlobe”ならびに小型衛星のワンストップサービス”AxelLiner”を展開する。2015年より宇宙政策委員会部会委員を歴任。2022年Japan Venture Awardsの最高賞である経済産業大臣賞を受賞。
President and CEO
Axelspace Corporation
Yuya completed a doctoral degree at the University of Tokyo. As a student, he was involved in developing nano-satellites (CubeSat) such as XI-IV, XI-V, and PRISM. His team was the first in the world to launch and operate CubeSat in orbit in 2003 successfully. After being graduated, he worked as a project researcher at the university. In 2008, he established Axelspace Corporation and has been the company's CEO. Since 2015 he has been serving as a member of the Committee on National Space Policy. He received the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Award at the 22nd Japan Venture Awards in 2022.