Pascal Lecointe


Space Line Underwriter Hiscox London Market, Marine and Specialty Division

Pascal Lecointe is Line Underwriter for Hiscox and manages Hiscox Space Insurance department, based in Paris, since 2010. Pascal joined Hiscox London in 2001 as space risks analyst. In 2005 he moved to Paris to underwrite space and contract frustration – export credit guarantee risks. Prior to this, he had spent 6 years as satellite power and electrical systems architect in the space engineering division of Aéropsatiale (now Thales Alenia Space). He was involved in geostationary telecom satellites projects and subsequently on 2 satellite constellation projects. Pascal holds a MSc in engineering from Ecole Centrale Marseille (1992) and a MSc in electrical engineering from Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (1994). He also received a post graduate degree in insurance from the Centre des Hautes Etudes d’Assurance (Paris) in 2008.Pascal is currently Chairman of the International Union of Aerospace Insurers Space Risks Study Group and is a member of Lloyd’s Market Association and FFSA Space committees,.

Pascal Lecointe

Space Line Underwriter Hiscox London Market, Marine and Specialty Division


Pascal Lecointe is Line Underwriter for Hiscox and manages Hiscox Space Insurance department, based in Paris, since 2010. Pascal joined Hiscox London in 2001 as space risks analyst. In 2005 he moved to Paris to underwrite space and contract frustration – export credit guarantee risks. Prior to this, he had spent 6 years as satellite power and electrical systems architect in the space engineering division of Aéropsatiale (now Thales Alenia Space). He was involved in geostationary telecom satellites projects and subsequently on 2 satellite constellation projects. Pascal holds a MSc in engineering from Ecole Centrale Marseille (1992) and a MSc in electrical engineering from Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (1994). He also received a post graduate degree in insurance from the Centre des Hautes Etudes d’Assurance (Paris) in 2008.Pascal is currently Chairman of the International Union of Aerospace Insurers Space Risks Study Group and is a member of Lloyd’s Market Association and FFSA Space committees,.

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