新谷 美保子



一般社団法人 スペースポートジャパン


慶応義塾大学法学部法律学科卒業後、2006年弁護士登録(TMI総合法律事務所所属)。専門分野は、宇宙航空ビジネスに関する法務全般、知的財産権、IT・通信、Deep Techに関する新規事業立上げ、リスク管理、宇宙法・航空法。2013年米国コロンビア大学ロースクール卒業後は、宇宙航空産業及び新規技術分野に複数のクライアントを持ち、民間企業間の大型紛争、ベンチャー投資、宇宙航空ビジネスに特有な契約交渉等、宇宙航空ビジネス、ロボティクスをはじめとした新規産業分野における数多くの法務実務を扱う。

Mihoko Shintani


TMI Associates

Co-Founder and Director

Space Port Japan Association

After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Law, Ms. Shintani became a registered attorney in 2006 as a member of the TMI Associates. She particularly possesses expertise in aviation and space law, intellectual property rights, IT and communications matters, business startups, and risk management. In 2013 Ms. Shintani also matriculated at Columbia Law School in New York and upon graduation she has led a wide range of cases for multiple clients in the aerospace industry, including major disputes between private companies, space venture investment, and space business transactions. Also working as a part-time staff of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) from 2017. Co-Founder and Director, Space Port Japan Association (SPJ) in 2018.

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