中須賀 真一

東京大学 大学院 工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻




1988年東京大学大学院博士課程修了、工学博士。同年、日本アイ・ビー・エム東京基礎研究所入社。1990年より東京大学講師、助教授を経て、2004年より航空宇宙工学専攻教授。日本航空宇宙学会、SICE、IAA等会員, IFAC元航空宇宙部会部門長、およびUNISEC-GLOBALは設立時より委員長。超小型人工衛星、宇宙システムの知能化・自律化、革新的宇宙システム、宇宙機の航法誘導制御等に関する研究・教育に従事。2003年の世界初のCubeSatの打ち上げ成功を含む超小型衛星15機の開発・打ち上げに成功。宇宙ベンチャー会社数社の設立に貢献し、アジアをはじめ多くの国の超小型衛星をベースにした宇宙工学教育も実施。2012年-2022年、政府の宇宙政策委員会委員。基本政策部会長。現在も複数省の宇宙関連プログラムの委員長も務める。

Shinichi Nakasuka


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Graduate School of Engineering University of Tokyo


SPACETIDE Foundation

Prof. Shinichi Nakasuka graduated from Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and received Ph.D in 1988. He joined IBM Research during 1988-1990, and then has been working for Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Tokyo as a lecturer, an associate professor and became a full professor in 2004. He is a member of JSASS, SICE, and IAA, and the former Chairperson of IFAC Aerospace Technical Committee and has been the chairperson of UNISEC-GLOBAL since its beginning. His major research areas include micro/nano/pico-satellites, autonomy and intelligence for space systems, novel space systems, and guidance, navigation and control of spacecraft. He developed and launched 15 micro/nano/pico-satellites successfully including the world first CubeSat launched in 2003. He contributed to establishment of several space start-ups, and to the education based on micro/nano-satellites to Asian and many other countries. He is also a member of Space Policy Committee of Japanese government and the chair of Basic Space Policy Committee until 2022, and now chairs of many other ministries’ space programs.

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