佐藤 将史


理事 兼 COO

一般社団法人SPACETIDE共同設立者・理事兼COOとして、日本初の民間発宇宙ビジネスカンファレンス"SPACETIDE"の企画・運営を行う他、宇宙ビジネス振興のための各種活動を展開している。野村総合研究所にて16年間、スタートアップ支援、オープン・イノベーション関連のコンサルティング等、政策立案から企業戦略まで幅広く従事。2019年 宇宙ベンチャーに参画。東京大学理学部卒(地球惑星物理学)・同大学院理学系研究科修了(地球惑星科学)、UCLA大学院MPP(公共政策学修士)。内閣府「みちびき(準天頂衛星)エバンジェリスト」。総務省「宇宙利用の将来像に関する懇話会」構成員。気象庁「静止気象衛星に関する懇談会」委員。

Masashi Sato

Director & COO

SPACETIDE Foundation

As Co-founder, Director and COO of SPACETIDE Foundation, Masashi Sato works on promotion and fostering new space industry through its national first private-led space business conference and different activities. Masashi is also active as a member of a Japanese space startup from 2019. He has previously worked for Nomura Research Institute as a strategic business consultant from 2003 to 2019. He has a B.S. from the University of Tokyo (2001), a M.S. from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo (2003), and a Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles (2013). He is a "QZSS Evangelist" of the Cabinet Office of Japan, a committee member of the "Committee of Future Space Utilization" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, and a committee member of the "Committee of Next-gen Geosynchronous Meteorological Satellite" by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

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