株式会社Space Compass
1996年 NTT入社、数件の新規事業の立上・黒字化を経験。2007年 ワシントン大学MBA卒業。2017年よりNTT持株会社 研究企画部門にてIOWN関連の共同研究・開発PJを複数担当。2022年7月、NTT/スカパーJSATの合弁で新たに設立する㈱Space Compass代表取締役Co-CEOに就任。Space Compassは、持続可能な社会の実現に向けた新たな宇宙統合コンピューティング・ネットワーク事業に取り組む
Co-CEO, Representative Member of the Board
Space Compass Corporation
Shigehiro Hori is Co-CEO of Space Compass, which was established as a joint venture with NTT and Skyperfect JSAT in July 2022. He has over 25 years of experience in the telecommunication industry. In the company, he played various roles including IOWN, VoIP, IoT, various kind of service and one previous joint venture since 2000 with energy company. Space Compass will launch a novel integrated space computing network to aid the realization of a sustainable society.