村上 建治郎


代表取締役 CEO

ソニー子会社にてデジタルコンテンツの事業開発を担当。その後、米バイオテック企業にて日本向けマーケティングに従事、2007年から米IT企業シスコシステムズにてパートナー・ビジネス・ディベロップメントなどを経験。 2011年に発生した東日本大震災で災害ボランティアを続ける中、被災地からの情報共有の脆弱性を実感し、被災地の情報をリアルタイムに伝える情報解析サービスの開発を目指し株式会社Specteeを創業。著書に「AI防災革命」(幻冬舎)

Kenjiro Murakami

Founder & CEO

Spectee Inc.

Kenjiro Murakami is the founder of Spectee Inc, which is focusing on Disaster Prevention by using AI-based data analysis. Under his leadership, the company has experienced significant growth with 1000 public and enterprise customers in Japan. Before starting his business, he worked at Cisco Systems in partner business development. In 2011, while volunteering for disaster relief efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake, he realized the vulnerability of information sharing from the disaster area. This experience made him to develop an information analysis service to convey information from the disaster area in real time. He was also in charge of business development of digital contents at a Sony subsidiary and engaged in marketing at a U.S. biotech company before joining Cisco Systems. He had B.S. in Physics, University of Nevada, Reno and MBA from Waseda University. Author of "Revolution of AI Disaster Prevention" (Gentosha Publishing)

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