西口 尚宏

一般社団法人 日本防災プラットフォーム






上智大学経済学部卒業、ノースウェスタン大学ケロッグ経営大学院(MBA)修了。日本長期信用銀行、世界銀行グループ勤務(ワシントンDC)、マーサー社のワールドワイド・パートナー、産業革新機構(INCJ)執行役員、(一社)Japan Innovation Network(JIN) 代表理事などを歴任。内閣府ムーンショットアンバサダー、スウェーデン国立研究所認定イノベーション・マネジメントプロフェショナル。 既存の組織から継続的に新規事業を生み出すためのマネジメントシステム改革(両利きの経営の実践)を通したイノベーション創出において数多くの実績を持つ。日本防災プラットフォーム(JBP)を2014年に設立し日本の防災技術や考え方を世界に展開する活動に注力しつつ、日本における防災DXの推進にも注力している。JBP会員企業の防災技術の一覧があるHPには毎月平均100カ国からの訪問実績がある。

Naohiro Nishiguchi


Japan Bosai Platform



Mr. Nishiguchi is the President of Japan Bosai Platform, Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Japan (GEN Japan), and a Professor at Sophia University, Tokyo. He is an Innovation Management Professional certified by RISE (Research Institute of Sweden AB) and ISO 56002 Lead Auditor certified by IAOIP. He holds an MBA from Kellogg Management School at Northwestern University and a BA from Sophia University. Before co-founding Japan Bosai Platform, he was an Executive Managing Director of Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ), Japan’s largest public-private investment fund with a $20 billion investment capacity, after his post as a Worldwide Partner at Mercer. He also worked as a professional staff at the World Bank Group in Washington, DC. He provides his expertise in innovation management in many leading Japanese corporations and international organizations. He also focuses on collaboration with start-ups worldwide. JBP is to create a society without one being left behind by assisting international and local communities by introducing a systematic approach to invest in advance for natural hazards with the extensive expertise of JBP corporate members. An average of 100 countries monthly visit JBP’s HP to review various DRR solutions looking for an answer for their DRR activities.

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