高市 早苗

経済安全保障担当大臣 内閣府特命担当大臣 (科学技術政策、宇宙政策、 知的財産戦略)

1961年3月7日生まれ。神戸大学経営学部経営学科卒業、(財)松下政経塾卒塾、米国連邦議会Congressional Fellow、近畿大学経済学部教授(産業政策論・中小企業論)。1993年衆議院議員に初当選、現在9期目。通商産業政務次官、経済産業副大臣(3回任命)、内閣府特命担当大臣(4回任命)、総務大臣(5回任命:史上最長在職期間を記録)、衆議院文部科学委員長、衆議院議院運営委員長、自民党サイバーセキュリティ対策本部長(3期)、自民党経済安全保障対策本部長、自民党政務調査会長(3期)等を歴任。

Sanae Takaichi

Minister in charge of Economic Security Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, Space Policy, and Intellectual Property Strategy

Born on March 7, 1961. Graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration, Kobe University. Completed her study at the Matsushita Institute of Government and Management. Served as a United States Congressional Fellow and Professor of economics, Kinki University. In 1993, she was elected for the first time as a member of the House of Representatives (currently serving her ninth term). She served as Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (appointed three times), Minister of State (appointed four times), Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications (appointed five times; the longest tenure in history), Chair of the Committee of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the House of Representatives, Chair of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the House of Representatives, Chief of the Headquarters for Cybersecurity Policy of the Liberal Democratic Party, Chair of Headquarters for the Promotion of Economic Security of the Liberal Democratic Party, Chair of Policy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party(three terms).

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